Andrew Henderson is a leading strategic policy specialist with a passion for building the sustainability and prosperity of rural and regional Australia and enhancing the recognition of its role in the economy and its place in national security. Andrew is the Independent Chair of the Safemeat Advisory Group and the Jurisdictional Traceability Group and is a member of the national Sheep and Goat Traceability Taskforce. Andrew has been heavily involved in reforming Australia’s livestock traceability and integrity systems since 2017, and has advised the Commonwealth government on biosecurity, red meat and livestock, Northern Australian development, and climate change. As the Principal of Agsecure, Andrew’s mission is to support industry and government to understand each other and work better together for the benefit of the nation, working across private enterprise, industry, not-for-profits, and governments. Andrew is also a published author on biosecurity, food security, national security, agricultural supply chains and other matters of national interest.