As the Communication and Engagement Manager for the Regional Tech Hub, Kristen brings a wealth of experience to the table. Having spent most of her life in rural Australia, she intimately understands the challenges faced by rural, regional, and remote Australians in achieving reliable, affordable, and suitable connectivity for their homes and businesses.
For the past eight years, Kristen has dedicated her time to volunteering and working in the RRR connectivity space. During this period, she has witnessed a remarkable transformation in the demand for connectivity in rural areas, be it for educational purposes, business growth, or simply improving quality of life. Moreover, Kristen has also seen significant advancements in available options for connecting to the digital world in rural, regional, and remote Australia.
With a clear mission in mind, Kristen is committed to assisting communities, businesses, and individuals in navigating their connectivity options. She strives to help them discover the most suitable connectivity solutions tailored to their specific needs, locations, and budgets. Her goal is to empower these communities, businesses, and individuals to not only get connected but also stay connected.